關於我們 About Us

港島資訊科技會致力在港島地域推動資訊科技活動及訓練。活動及訓練內容包括通訊(以無線電和互聯網進行國際童軍交流) 、電子、電腦及童軍業餘無線電 (Radio Scouting)的推廣。

Club callsigns : VR2HKS, VR2JAM

Established since : 2003

VR2HKS is a Scout Amateur Radio Club established in 2003.

Our Aim: To promote Amateur Radio/Radio Scouting, electronic and computing hobbies in the Hong Kong Island Region. To assist fellow Scouts in obtaining the Amateur Radio License. To meet Scouts around the World via Ham Radio and Internet.

Thank you for your QSO and visit to our website.


Best 73

童軍電台呼號 Radio Scouting Callsign

特別呼號 Special Event Callsigns

組織 Organization

香港童軍總會港島地域 Hong Kong Scout Hong Kong Island Region

地址 QTH: HKIR IT Club (VR2HKS), Room 1111, Hong Kong Island Region, Scout Association of Hong Kong, Scout Path, Austin Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Grid Locator (GR): OL72 CG

無線電設備 Equipment

ICOM IC-7200 IC-9100, Yaesu FT-8900R, FT-2800R, FT-100D, UHF repeater, Motorola DMR radio

天線 Antenna

Diamond V2000A, HF dipole, HF triband yagi, HF quand band dipole, HF Long wire


VR2HKS #192417
VR2HKS-L #312721
VR2JAM-R #356162

中繼台 Repeater
Dnlink: 435.550MHz
Uplink: 430.550MHz

Thank you for your QSO and patience for the training of the next generation of hams.

PSE QSL DIRECT.  PSE NOTE Our HQ will be relocated back to Hong Kong Island from 1 Apr 2019 (Room 1908, Hong Kong Scout Centennial Building, 23 Yat Sin Street, Morrison Hill, Wanchai, Hong Kong), PSE send all correspondance to our new address from 23 March 2019.

Club callsigns : VR2HKS, VR2JAM

About VR2HKS

VR2HKS is a Scout Amateur Radio callsign of the Hong Kong Island Region (HKIR) IT Club in the Scout Association of Hong Kong (SAHK).  HKIR currently has over 10,000 Scout members at present.

Our Aim:

Promote Amateur Radio/Radio Scouting, electronic and computing hobbies in the HKIR.

Assist fellow Scouts in obtaining the Scout Communicator badge, Electronic badge, Computer badges and Amateur Radio Licence.

Support Regional events. Provide tools for Scouts to meet fellow Scouts and Hams around the World via Amateur Radio and Internet.

Past special event callsigns: VR100S, VR2100S, VR2S, VR2CUB, VR10HKS

Established : 2003

IOTA: AS-006


Rigs : FT817, DMR mobile radio, Kenwood echolink radio, DV hotspot, ICOM IC-9100, IC7200, Yaesu FT-2800, FT-7900, FT-8900, JRC-245 (donated by VR2JC, but under repair), UHF repeater (FM, GM300); Antenna : HF V dipole 50m, Diamond V2000, 4-ele HF triband Yagi (donated by VR2JC), quad band dipole antenna (donated by VR2ZST)

We would appreciate QSL Direct please, badge swopping will be most welcomed

QSL card for many years is designed by a Scout of the Communicator badge course.

Look forward to QSO with you :-) YIS and 73


Scouting reflector 033A, 030A and 001C


Branmeister 4907, TG907, TG91


1) JOTA 365, VR2HKS-L #312721

A VHF RF gateway in HK Island or Hong Kong Island Region (HKIR), frequency 144.485MHz, 5W, coverage parts of HK Island and Kowloon.

QRV mainly during activities and special events.

2) VR2JAM-R #356162

Our repeater is operated during special events and connected to Echolink when necessary

VR2JAM Frequency: 435,550MHz dn, 430.550MHz up, 25W, coverage Northern Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula

We would appreciate your sked via HF, local radio and echolink

smileyOpening of Hong Kong Scout Centenary Memorial Buildingsmiley

Date: 2019-4-20 (Saturday)

Time: 1430-1730 (HKT) / 0830-1130 (UTC)
Location: Hong Kong Scout Centennial Building, 23 Yat Sin Street, Morrison Hill, Wanchai, Hong Kong

smileyScout Communicator Badge Coursesmiley

HKIR IT Club will conduct Scout Communicator Badge Course on


JOTA (Jamboree-On-The-Air) Hong Kong Island Basesmiley

JOTA is a World Scout event that takes place third weekend of October each year, over one million Scouts and Guide around the Globe communicate with each other on the air and via the internet. Since year 2000, over 1,000 Scouts participates in the HKIR event each year.

Session: 20-Oct and 21-Oct-2019 (Sunday)

Operating hours: 0200 UTC – 0900 UTC

Frequency: 14.290 / 21.360MHz

Modes: SSB, Echolink (VR2HKS-L), We will qrv on D-star, (REF001C, REF030A or REF033A) possibly DMR (TG91 or TG907), local VHF simplex links and digital mode (maybe PSK31 depending on band conditions).  .  Hope to see you on the air.

We will be setting up on Saturday and test our station on 20-Oct-2018 Saturday, sked is welcomed.

Happy Radio Scouting!

Contact: Dawood VR2XNG vr2xng@gmail.com




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